Flooring Services


Yearly refinish and recoat

Let Midwest Floor Specialists maintain the integrity of your floor to extend the life of your floor.  We use a screener to take off the top coat of finish.  After cleaned, a new coat of finish is then applied for a fresh season to take place.



Eventually all floors require a full sand to bring it back to its original look and feel.  We recommend that this take place every 10-15 years or at any time that your floor is damaged and needs repaired.

Steps in sanding include:
- Finish, paint and seal are sanded off your floor to expose the bare wood
- Lines and lettering decals are taped  out and painted for a new layout
- New coats of finished are applied for a brand new look and feel again


What Does a Sanding project Involve?

A sand job is typically a two to four week process from start to finish. Depending on the size of your floor, it takes four to five days to sand it down to the bare wood.  Then it will take three days for us to apply the two coats of seal (allowing each coat to dry for 24-48 hours).  If you are staining areas of your floor such as the 3-point arcs, we will stain them when we seal the floor.  

Next, it's time to paint!  Depending on how complicated the layout is for your floor (including lines, logos, letters, borders, etc.), this could take anywhere from two to four days.  The paint then dries for three to five days before we put down the two coats of finish on top, leaving 24 hours between the two coats for dry time.

At the end of the project, the finish will need to dry for 72 hours before foot traffic is allowed on the floor.  It is necessary to wait 10-14 days for heavy loads, such as bleachers being pulled out, portable goals being moved, or podiums. In addition, wait a full 30 days before using a court cover on the floor.

Painting and Design

We can work with existing artwork or recommend a new design for you.  All products are long lasting and durable.
